In celebration of Hobbit Day, Warner Bros. Pictures has released an eye-catching new poster for the upcoming animated film, The Lord of the Rings: War of the Rohirrim. Fans of the franchise are eagerly anticipating this latest installment, which takes place 200 years before the events of the renowned Peter Jackson trilogy. Introducing Hera: Daughter of Helm Hammerhand The newly released poster showcases Hera, the daughter of Helm Hammerhand, Rohan’s ninth king. Hera is voiced by Gaia Wise, and her presence in the film promises to play a pivotal role in the story. The War of the Rohirrim centers on the legendary tale of Helm Hammerhand, portrayed by Brian Cox, as he defends Rohan against invading forces. Set centuries before the familiar storylines of Frodo and Aragorn, the film delves deep into the rich lore of Rohan and the Rohirrim. Helm’s fierce battles and personal struggles will be brought to life through the direction of Kenji Kamiyama, renowned for his work on Ghost in the Shell...
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