Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the latest AAA title from Insomniac Games, has been confirmed to include a New Game Plus (NG+) mode. However, the straightforward nature of achieving its Platinum trophy raises questions about the need for additional content to accompany this mode. New Game Plus, while not a universal demand among players, becomes a point of interest for those who seek more depth in their gaming experience. The mode typically allows players to replay the game with certain advantages or modifications based on their first playthrough. Insomniac's decision not to launch the game with NG+ might be attributed to focusing resources on other aspects of development, emphasizing the quality of the main game. Importance of NG+ in Story-Driven Games In story-driven games like Marvel's Spider-Man 2, NG+ often offers a refreshed perspective for players. It allows them to revisit the narrative with new abilities or knowledge they didn’t have initially. For instance, the potential t...
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